Current Projects
A Guided Tour of the Unacceptable
A Guided Tour of the Unacceptable is a geographical and historical tour of the UK’s nuclear weapons on the Clyde and resistance to them, with archive footage of sixties sit-downs, huge demos in the 80’s, canoes buzzing the first Trident arrivals, mass blockades, up to the 21st Century XR protesters.
Being Safe
The Being Safe Project is a response from Scotland to Rethinking Security’s work on an Alternative Security Review. This is a civil society-led review of the UK’s security strategy.
By asking people in the UK what matters to them for their security, and by discussing potential solutions to human and ecological security with experts, a cooperative Human Security Strategy will be produced that will offer an alternative to the existential failures of the current ‘national security’ approach.
Standing For Peace in Difficult Times
Standing For Peace in Difficult Times is a Secure Scotland project which aims to support individuals and communities in reflection and action for peace, especially at a time when the Russian invasion of Ukraine has made it difficult and unfashionable to stress the need for a peaceful resolution.